Direct Mail and AEP

Direct Mail and AEP

Two questions – Two important answers. Does Direct Mail work? & Does Direct mail work for AEP? Despite the fact that the answer to both questions we frequently hear is an absolute, affirmative and positive yes, permit me to step past the empirical evidence,...
Know Your Audience this Medicare AEP Season

Know Your Audience this Medicare AEP Season

The highly anticipated, essential, and dreaded Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) will again be upon us. This Medicare AEP season, go into it with eyes wide open – wide open to the most important component of AEP success—your client. Now that I’m one of...
Five Fascinating Medicare AEP Discoveries

Five Fascinating Medicare AEP Discoveries

This most recent Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) was my first AEP Season where I, as a “senior” was marketed to by my fellow Medicare AEP marketers. As I talk with many of the TargetLeads’ agents in developing direct mail letters, brochures, and postcards, I...