The Power of Multi-Channel Marketing

Lower your cost per lead (CPL) by 20% or more by adding this one thing to your next mailing.  That’s what the power of Multi-Channel Marketing can do for you! See our Case Study below! So what IS Multi-Channel Marketing? Multi-channel marketing is where...
Know Your Audience this Medicare AEP Season

Know Your Audience this Medicare AEP Season

The highly anticipated, essential, and dreaded Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) will again be upon us. This Medicare AEP season, go into it with eyes wide open – wide open to the most important component of AEP success—your client. Now that I’m one of...
What Are Response Rates

What Are Response Rates

Let’s talk real response rates for a couple minutes. A client once asked how many direct mail pieces we’ve mailed. Curious, I went to the calculator. The closest I could honestly claim of pieces we’d developed and mailed was between 600 and 650 million pieces. With...